How You Can Make Peace With Your Past
Making peace with your past may include a number of rituals of surrender that help you get on, not only with today, but the future.
How to feed your spirit when churches close
As more and more places of worship close their doors, people are left to satisfy their spiritual hunger in new ways.
Dekker answers several questions on faith
Dekker, the wise old service dog, answers questions about forgiveness, prayer, worship and faithfulness from a canine perspective.
How to Learn the Art of Listening in a Noisy World
The art of listening is really a skill that takes years of practice to learn, much like anything else in life.
Slow vs fast. What is the best pace for living?
When it comes to the best pace for living, is it better to go slow or fast? A look at the benefits of each pace in living the…
How to Smile with the Challenge of Downsizing
With life changes comes an inevitable need to downsize, to eliminate a collection of a lifetime, and to control clutter. Here's one way to crack resistance and get…
When I Die
"When I Die" is a poem that looks at the continuity of life in the event of death.
Dekker responds to questions about God
Dekker, a service dog whose wisdom is treasured by many people, turns to questions about the existence and nature of God with his perspective on prayers, heaven and…
Is there a difference between aging and growing old?
Is there a distinction between aging and growing old? This brief article explores one difference.
The Journey of Life from Womb to Grave
We speak a lot about the journey of life, but do we ever think much about the process of travel from birth to death? How do we get…
How to Wait Without Losing Your Mind
How to wait for something, especially the unknown, challenges even the most patient of people. There is waiting…and then there is WAITING. Waiting for a bus or…
Dekker shares his wisdom
People write to Dekker for answers to everyday problems and to get his advice for living well despite challenges.
What can you do when you fail?
How long does it take to fail? In the blink of an eye you may hit the delete button, crash a car or start a forest fire. Then…
Do you know what your pet is thinking?
When you look into the big round eyes of your dog or cat, do you ever wonder what they are thinking? Here are some ways to find out.
How do you feel when you say NO?
I learned how to say "NO" when I learned the secret of pacing in life. It was a matter of life and death.