Spiritual Growth

Finding Peace in the Darkness Before Dawn


As a soul care advocate, I’ve discovered that spiritual practices can satisfy our inner hunger far better than fleeting pleasures like Oreos. (OK..I confess…)  Engaging in these practices not only connects us with the divine but also nurtures wisdom and cultivates daily peace, offering a deeper fulfillment that transcends the allure of chocolate. Today, I’m excited to explore a lesser-known but profoundly nourishing spiritual practice: embracing the tranquility of the  darkness before dawn

Early Morning Darkness: A Sacred Space

Man lifting his arms in thanksgiving ion early morning darkness before dawn

To me, the early morning darkness is a sacred space, akin to a temple of tranquility.

This darkness is not mere absence of light; it’s a realm where the divine, or what I often refer to as “Mystery,” unfolds. In these moments, the world is still, and the veil between the tangible and the mystical seems thinner.


In this serene darkness, I find the rare opportunity to listen — really listen — to the whispers of my heart. This isn’t just about acknowledging emotions or thoughts and writing them in a journal.

It’s about tuning into the deeper currents of my soul.

Beyond language.

Beyond understanding.

Here, in the silent embrace of the early hours, my heart speaks in a voice only discernible in stillness.

I can step into a river of imagination and creativity. Or not. The thing is, I am totally free for this brief period of time.


As I reflect on the biblical account of how creation emerged from a dark abyss, these early hours gain a deeper significance.

The darkness becomes a metaphor for potential and creativity.  It is a reminder that every ending has within it the seeds of a new beginning.

It’s a comforting thought that aligns with the cycles of nature and life.

I may never plant another garden in fertile soil—I gave that up years ago—but I get to sit here at my computer and plant seeds of ideas, inspiration, and fantasy.

I get the same joy writing as  I used to planting pumpkin seeds and watching them sprout.


In this darkness, I am free from the scrutiny and demands of the world. It’s a time when I can simply ‘be’ without being watched, judged, or questioned.

This freedom is a vital nourishment for my soul, allowing a rare authenticity and vulnerability. You wouldn’t want to read the drivel and aborted pieces of articles and poems that sprout up.

Like all gardeners I have to balance fertilizer with nourishment, spend times on my knees weeding (and praying), and harvest only what feeds my soul.


In the early morning darkness, time seems to transcend its usual bounds. It slows down, offering a respite from the relentless march of the clock.

This altered perception of time allows me to savor moments of introspection and connection with the divine.

This doesn’t happen during the day when I am rushing to finish the laundry, in between answering emails and playing with my dog, Dekker.

There’s an almost womb-like quality to these hours before dawn. It’s a sensation of being held, comforted, and nurtured by the universe itself. In this space, my soul feels cradled and safe.

Soul Hunger

Just as we recognize the need to feed our bodies, it’s crucial to acknowledge and address our soul’s hunger.

This hunger manifests in longing — longing for beauty, silence, nature, wisdom, and insight. The early morning darkness offers a feast for the soul, catering to these deep-seated desires.

After the sun comes up I get so many more desires, not of my soul but of my flesh.  I want to consume. I want to  be entertained. I want to complete task lists.

It is so much more difficlt to just ‘be’ in the light.

I’ve learned the importance of being intentional about my ‘soul diet.’ While the temptation of physical pleasures, like the allure of Oreos, is ever-present, true nourishment comes from practices that enrich the soul.

The darkness of the early hours is my chosen nourishment, a time when I can feed my soul without distractions. Or, if I am honest, it is a time in which my only distractions have fur on them.


Incorporating a practice of gratitude during these early hours adds another layer of soul nourishment. I reflect on what I’m thankful for, delving deeper into these feelings.

I list people, places, and things along with changes within myself. I reflect on kindness, insights and wisdom.  I use a gratitude journal.

If you have never done this kind of journaling, you can pick up a free 31-Day Gratitude Journal  when you sign up for TheReflectivePen (current subscribers can get this without getting a second subscription as long as you use the same email). This simple practice will strengthen your connection with the divine and the world around you.

Once I have pen and paper in hand, I also add ‘Morning Pages’, first promoted by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. (This link includes her morning pages journal too!)

If there are lingering thoughts in my head that are preventing me from moving forward into my day, this is where they go.

If I have an idea for a blog post or a memory of a scene or a sound or feeling, this is where I will write about it. Morning pages are a repository as well as an incubator.

Soon the light emerges and the dark slips away as mysteriously as it came.

The one lamplight in my neighborhood has an agreement to surrender its vigil to the sun, and my profound sense of ‘being’ becomes a calling to tackle a to-do list.

I stand up from my rocking chair, turn on my computer, and smile at Dekker, who is faithful to remind me that he is hungry, and would rather have kibble than watch the sunrise.

  A Journey of Soulful Discovery

Embracing the early morning darkness is not just a practice but a journey of discovery. It’s a time when I can differentiate between the various hungers of life and choose to feed my soul with what truly satisfies.

It’s a daily pilgrimage to the heart of what matters, a journey inward to the divine embrace of stillness and introspection.

For those seeking to explore similar paths, The Reflective Collective offers a starting point for reflection and journaling with a writing prompt every day.

Or perhaps you are ready to consider taking a short course on how to incorporate spiritual practices into your everyday life. For more information on that click HERE.

Remember, the journey to satisfy soul hunger is a personal and profound one, and the early morning darkness is a powerful ally in this quest.

Ardis Mayo