How to Find Spiritual Truth in a Red Pepper
How photography and contemplation of everyday objects like vegetables can lead to deeper understanding and wisdom.
What Does It Mean To Be Creative?
Creativity may not always be about making fine art or composing music. Creativity often begins as a dream and comes alive as the dreamer awakens.
How to Leave a Legacy of Story
The importance of recording your story to leave as a legacy for your descendants, based on the metaphors of a hike towards a waterfall.
It’s Raining
. . . Rain calls poets to pour out psalms and canticles. . . because Johnnie knows. . .
The Reflective Pen
. . . entire books remain hidden within the chamber of a pen, to spill out randomly when the pen touches the surface of paper. . .
What We Miss When We Sleep Late
When the sun gets up before I do And showers the world with light I want to towel it off and begin again . . .
Marry Your Muse by Jan Phillips
A must read for anyone wanting to find a creative path to spirituality.