Discovering your inner artist might be something you thought was impossible. Click here for a different perspective on 'being an artist'.
When Should a Should be Eliminated?
Would you like to eliminate all the 'shoulds' and 'oughtas' from the English language? Where do they originate and what would the impact be if that were to…
How to Find Time for Spiritual Practice
Do you struggle to find time to practice things that bring inner growth? Here are 7 practices that can be done every morning without adding any extra time…
Things We Can Learn While Walking in the Rain
Does rain...of any sort...dampen your day or does it awaken your senses with its cool splattering and cleansing rinse? Join the author in reflections inspired by walking in…
How To Be Motivated by Tiny Rewards
Kibble as a spiritual practice is not just for dogs. The importance of small rewards can be very motivational and this essay looks at how.
How to Find Spiritual Truth in a Red Pepper
How photography and contemplation of everyday objects like vegetables can lead to deeper understanding and wisdom.
What Does It Mean To Be Creative?
Creativity may not always be about making fine art or composing music. Creativity often begins as a dream and comes alive as the dreamer awakens.
How to Leave a Legacy of Story
The importance of recording your story to leave as a legacy for your descendants, based on the metaphors of a hike towards a waterfall.
5 Spiritual Lessons You Can Learn From Your Dog
Are you looking for a spiritual guide to lead you into a deeper understanding of yourself? Your next guru may be as close as your dog. . .
How To Catch A Slippery Thought
Occasionally a brightly colored one will break through the surface, leaping into consciousness. . .
Is There a Purpose to Waiting?
Understanding our ultimate purpose in life is often frustrated by having to wait so long to see it manifest. If you have ever had to wait a lifetime…