What’s the Purpose of Growing Old?
We are all going to grow old…if we are lucky. But not everyone is able to find meaning in the process. However, there are some important steps we…
Meaning and Purpose in Aging and Loss
Transforming loss into strength is akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes. It's about using our experiences to grow and evolve, finding meaning in the process.
Is There Any Purpose and Meaning to Aging?
Finding purpose and meaning as we age is a matter of recognizing the power of sitting still.
What is the Meaning and Purpose to Life as we Age
Does the meaning of life change as we age? I wonder if our purpose is embedded within our body and soul when we are born and then we…
How to find the magic of ‘we’ in a relationship or community
A reflection of the magical power that happens when people are together in relationship or community to share and to grow.
Spiritual practice as a path to inner peace
Reflections on the meanings of spiritual practice and how we find ourselves on any particular paths as we go through life.
Do you know what your pet is thinking?
When you look into the big round eyes of your dog or cat, do you ever wonder what they are thinking? Here are some ways to find out.
How to see creativity and spirituality as a matched set
Is there a difference between creativity and spirituality and do they influence each other in our everyday lives?
Are there any benefits of aging?
The benefits of aging can sometimes be best understood in the old vehicles we continue to drive, like the rusty Ford 150 with the odd-colored tailgate that has…
How You Can Live A Fulfilled Life at Any Age
What does it mean to live a fulfilled life? When asked what it means to live a fulfilled life, Dr. Joos Meyer, a medical doctor…
What is the Purpose of Living?
"What is the purpose of living" is a question that arises several times across the lifespan and sometimes the answer is quite simple as illustratedd in the life…
Dekker, a Dog who writes an advice column
Dekker is a service dog who loves to write, or more correctly, dictate advice to humans (and sometimes cats and other animals).
Manifesto – TheReflectivePen – Part three, More goals
This is the third and final part of the Manifesto of TheReflectivePen - Goals numbered 6-11 with a summary of all eleven goals for writing this blog at…
A Manifesto – TheReflectivePen – Part Two
Part two of a three-part Manifesto of TheReflectivePen is the first half of a list of goals that guide the writing on this blog.
A Manifesto of TheReflectivePen Part One
Genesis The genesis of TheReflectivePen is a tale of collective failures and successful adventures in both writing and technology in a search for meaning and…