
What We Miss When We Sleep Late

Dawn, getting up, night


When the sun gets up before I do

And showers the world with light

I want to towel it off and begin again

From a place of dark silence 

Into which I breath my prayers for the day. 

When the sun gets up before I do

And wipes away all the thin places

Where Mystery is felt and heard

And shadows have not yet appeared

Across the path of my day

I breathe a prayer for grace.

When the sun gets up before I do

And the birds have finished matins

My calendar beckons me into time and space

As soon as I emerge from my night cave

Laughing at my sorrow for lost moments

In the joy of a new dawn

When the sun gets up before I do

Burning off nighttime dew

And warming the ground beneath my feet

I do not look back into the night

For what I have missed

But lift my eyes to distant horizons

Prepared for untold stories to be written on my heart.

Ardis Mayo