Dekker Speaks Out About God and Prayer
Dekker weighs in on question asked by people who
How our spirituality is affected by aging
Our spiritualty is a result of many factors, but growing older may be one of the most important. This article looks at how spirituality is affected by aging.
What is the Value of Failure
When we count all of our assets toward the end of life, we don't want to forget the value of failure that has given us seeds of wisdom…
How to Hear Music as Metaphor for Life
How music is a metaphor for a life orchestrated in melody, rhythm, and silence.
Dekker offers advice about birdfeeders and Covid
Dekker, the service dog who shares his wisdom with people, once again offers advice to people, this time about birdfeeders, Covid, and more.
Why Tiny Things Matter Most in Life
It is hard to grasp that tiny things can make the biggest impact on our lives. Little details are essential in achieving long-term goals.
Two ways you can begin practicing for death today
We find the strength for accepting death when we have been showing hospitality to death all along. This article lays out two ways to do this.
What is the Meaning and Purpose to Life as we Age
Does the meaning of life change as we age? I wonder if our purpose is embedded within our body and soul when we are born and then we…
Hello and Goodbye – Which Do You Find Easier?
This reflection begins with seven questions to put a little light on something we spend a lifetime celebrating or agonizing over — whether ’tis easier to say “Hello”…
Dekker Answers More Questions About Service Dogs – Part ll
In this second of a two-part series Dekker answer more questions about what it means to be a service dog and explains the difference between a guide dog,…
What do technology and spirituality have in common
Although technology isn't often recognized for its role in spiritual, or inner, growth, this article looks at its role in spirituality as well as creativity.
How to find the magic of ‘we’ in a relationship or community
A reflection of the magical power that happens when people are together in relationship or community to share and to grow.
Spiritual practice as a path to inner peace
Reflections on the meanings of spiritual practice and how we find ourselves on any particular paths as we go through life.
Dekker answers questions about service dogs
Dekker explains about service dogs, what they do, how they're trained and why some animals are pets and some are meant to serve.
How to claim agency in our old age
How we claim agency and remain autonomous as we age is a matter of choice and something to be celebrated, regardless of disability or loss.