


Dekker standing up on fence

Welcome to Dekker’s Page. As a world class trained service dog, Dekker needed to find more to do during the pandemic when he couldn’t get out and about with his human. So Dekker has been serving as a consultant to people and animals with concerns in a style all his own. I have become his virtual assistant because he gets fur in my keyboard, but the thoughts and advice are all his own.


Dear Dekker,

Everyone I know is especially anxious right now, including me.
My dog seems to understand and wants to sleep
right next to me all the time. Yet he sleeps!
And I can’t sleep much at all. Any advice?

Thank you, Aaron

Woof, I understand, Aaron.  We dogs pick up fears and anxieties from people bodies. Humans use tools to measure things that go on in their bodies, but we don’t need ‘tools’. We can feel your changes under our fur.

Cats, too, feel humans in distress. Even while we sleep we hear your fear. That is one reason your dog bounces from snoring to wide-awake in one second.

My advice is to thank him with a lot of praise (and kibble, of course!) for staying so close to you. He is your sentinel so you can sleep, and he will wake you if you are needed.

My advice, trust him to hold your  anxiety like a towel rack holds your towels. Having a furry sentinel-friend is a lot better than sleeping pills. Let me know if this helps. Woof Woof.


Dear Dekker,

I made a lot of New Year’s resolutions
and  broke three of them this week.

I really want to change some habits in my life
but I’m not doing so well.

Is there any hope for me?

Thank you, Byron

Woof, Byron

I am not sure what a resolution is. I am a creature of habit myself. I watch people make long lists of things to do. Like ‘walk the dog’. That would be me! I am a great walker, but I don’t need a list to remind me.

I just need to be alert and aware when my person gets on her coat.

I am also aware of other important things. Like when she moves away from her desk or starts talking with someone. I get my ball and wiggle all over.

I am always alert for what is going on around me. I think if people used fewer lists and used their noses more, they would get a habit and not need a list.

My suggestion is to stay alert to the smallest changes around you,  and then wiggle your butt like crazy. You may or may not achieve what you hoped for at that moment, but persistence will make it a habit. I promise.


Dear Dekker,

I love your advice and would love to meet you.
Your pictures are beautiful and
I know your eyes would sweep me off my feet.
I want to feel your soft ears…
but maybe that is too personal

Thank you, Cassie

Woof Woof, Cassie. 

I hear these words a lot when I go out. As you know I am a service dog. That means my focus is always on my person.

When people look into my eyes I get very distracted and I am not able to do my job. I wish they wouldn’t do that.

Sometimes they reach down and touch me, even though my jacket says ‘Do not pet.’

I think people need to be trained like I was. With consistency, repetition and praise. And of course, kibble!  

I am flattered by your desire to meet me, but let’s keep things professional.


Dear Dekker,

My problem is I get bored very easily.
There are things I could be doing,

but I have no energy or interest in doing them.
Some days I just sit and ‘twiddle my thumbs’,
as my grandmother calls it.
Do you think I am depressed?

Thank you, Debrah

Woof, Debrah

If I had thumbs I would be so happy to be able to ’twiddle’.

Does your grandmother know that sitting still and doing ‘no-thing’ is a spiritual practice for some people?

Sometimes I get bored when I haven’t had enough exercise. Running in circles as fast as you can will really change your mood.

Probably your grandmother would question that too, but I strongly recommend it.

It is hard to be depressed when you are panting hard. Write again and let me know how this works.

—Woof Woof



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Ardis Mayo

  • Susan Shofner

    Happy New Year to Ardis & Dekker! You make a great team. Looking forward to reading your advice in the coming year.

  • Bonnie Keast

    Ah, Dekker, such simple wisdom. Thank you!

  • Helen Willey

    Millie is my Grand-dog and comes once a week to give me some of that special love you give your person. Dogs seem to love their person more than themselves. Unconditional love is your gift. My Hannah was like that. She has been gone five years and left a hole in my heart.
    Keep up the good work and know you are loved. Helen