
Dekker responds to humans…and dogs

  Dekker standing up on fenceWhat follows is a bit of canine wisdom
from Dekker, the service dog.

Dear Dekker,

Do you ever get fruits and vegetables for dinner?
And I suppose I should ask if you like them?
Some of my dog friends really like carrots
and I thought you might say somethng
about other things besides kibble.

Anne the Gardener

Woof woof, Anne

Oh I really love carrots…and potatoes and even bananas! I used to get them mashed up and frozen everyday in a fun toy called a Kong. However, a few years ago I developed some health problems and now I no longer get anything except some food prepared especially to keep me healthy. I miss eating the things I love, and unlike humans I can’t just go help myself to the fun foods.

Sometimes I get lucky in a restaurant— like yesterday I found a french fry on the floor and grabbed it before my person noticed. I don’t think I am particularly different from humans when it comes to sneaking fun foods that aren’t good for me. 

The wisdom comes with trusting those who are trying to help us. When my human says “leave it” I won’t touch what is so tempting right in front of me. I think humans would do better if they knew this command.

Dear Dekker,

I am a cat person. I know you live with two cats
and I wonder if you could share some of your
thoughts about cats.


Woof Woof, Valerie,

I suppose you could say I am a ‘cat dog’. I love to sleep with the cats, and they wash my ears which I cannot reach with my tongue. Do your cats ever wash your ears? I don’t think human tongues are long enough for washing ears either. 

I love an indoor game of ball and they think they are part of a team, running interference. (As if I needed any help!!) They really don’t know ANY commands though. I haven’t decided if they weren’t trained like I am, or whether cats are just dumb. I think it’s the latter?

One of them thinks he is a service cat, but he has so much to learn!! It could start with ‘put your toys away.’ I put my own away every night in a purple box, but they leave theirs all over the house. I would never get away with that. They have a special privilege when it comes to their toys.

I have a lot of opinions about cats, but it would take a book to tell you everything they whisper to me when we curl up at night. Do you like to listen to cats? You might want to write down what they say.

Dear Dekker,

Do you ever think about death? I need to know because
my dog got really sick and I had to take him to the
vet to be ‘put to sleep.’ I wish I could take myself
to a vet if I get that sick. Why do dogs and cats
get so much understanding and love
but humans are prevented by laws
from finding this relief
when the time comes?

Thank you, Mort

Woof Woof Mort,

You ask a good question and I am not sure I have an aswer to ‘Why’. Just that humans have a lot to learn.

I remember the day our cat Eliza went to the vet and never came home. No one talked to me about that, as if they thought I couldn’t understand. I knew she was not well.  I knew her days in our home were coming to an end. I knew she was going to die.

Death seems as natural as eating and sleeping and chasing balls. It’s what happens. To me, death is like being born. I certainly didn’t think much about that day either.

It just happened. First I wasn’t a pup, and then in the midst of a lot of rain and light I became a pup.

I think death will be just as simple (without all the rain, I hope). I am grateful that my person will be able to take me to Dr. B. and keep me comfortable.

I would be glad to tell him that you want the same thing when your days are over, but I don’t think he is taking any new patients. My advice is to keep talking about it though.

Person with service dog, GabbyDear Dekker,

First, I want to thank you. You and your human are the reason why I am with my human. I am a service dog in training. You inspired my person to get a service dog after she met both of you.

I have a question for you. I find that when we are out in public my human talks to me all the time. I do not give her any answers of course.  I’m not allowed to bark.  I could use a squeaky toy I guess,  but I digress.

Does your human talk like that as well? For example, we will be looking for a particular brand of  potato chip, and she can’t find it. She is talking to me the whole time. Even walking up and down the aisle, is this normal? 

Thank you Dekker!!!!
In Kinship, Gabby

Woof Woof, Gabby! You ask a very deep question. “Is she normal?” What is normal for humans is a lot different than what is normal for animals.

It is normal for you and I to walk on four feet, but our people never do that. I don’t know why. I think they would be a lot steadier if they did.

But you asked about communication. I know my person was trained to talk whenever we are going for a walk so I will listen to her voice instead of something rustling in the grass.

Talking is an invisible tether that keeps us connected. Your person may be a lot better trained than mine.

But there is another side to this talking thing. Has your person learned to listen to everything you have to say? I lived with my person for a couple of years before she realized I am actually a bit wise.

She listens carefully now. I hope your person finds this skill soon. You might fetch her a journal. Drop it quietly at her feet and see if she gets the hint.

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Ardis Mayo