Dekker,  Life Challenges

Dekker’s Wisdom

Dekker the Service Dog waits by a fog with mistDekker, a world-class service dog, has asked me to welcome you to his page the way he would if he met you. Don’t ask me how I will wag my butt but do picture me with my tongue hanging out and my ears perking up (on second thought, don’t do that!).

I am sitting at my desk happily transcribing Dekker’s responses to ‘people questions’…and sometimes from their cats.

If your furry friend (or scaly pet if you have one)  ‘speaks’ to you with their own brand of wisdom or questions be sure to add to the comments, and Dekker will respond next time around…always the first Sunday of the month.

Dear Dekker,

Do you ever celebrate the way people do?
We have a whole season called the ‘holiday season’
which is followed by a festive all-night party to welcome the new year.
What fun! I feel sorry for dogs. You don’t even get a fancy dinner on your birthday.
How do you party?!
Thank you, Partying Pete

Woof Woof Pete,

Yes, I watch how people do things differently on some days. Like once a year the kids hunt for colored eggs, and twice a year, we go to a parade down the main street while people wave flags or watch a fat man in a red suit ride past.

I guess it is how people mark the passage of time and remind themselves of important happy things.

If you were a dog, you would find as much fun getting out of bed in the morning.

There is kibble to eat, balls to chase, and new places to sniff out.

If you were a working dog, like me, you would follow your person everywhere and all of life would become your parade.  I have no need to mark time and events with parties. Each day has something special in it…if you keep your nose close to the ground!

Sometimes people dress their dogs up with hats and something called a tutu. I am so glad I don’t have to do that! I don’t need a tutu to remind me that every day is a day to celebrate.

I do that by finding as many things as possible to wag my tail at. Perhaps if you had a tail you might not need to have so many parties?

Dear Dekker

Do you ever get sick, and how does that make you feel?
I have had an upset stomach for three days, and I feel absolutely rotten.
I don’t want to do anything. Especially eat. I know it will get better,
but I don’t know what to do in the meantime.

Thank you

Woof Woof, Isabelle,

Yes. Just the other day, I upchucked my entire lunch. I don’t call it being sick, exactly. Isn’t ‘sick’ when you go to the vet? Perhaps your vet won’t see you unless you have fleas, but that doesn’t sound like your problem.

I guess I wonder what is wrong with doing nothing while you are sick.

I do nothing most days until I am asked to go fetch a slipper or something. In the meantime, I just rest my chin on the floor.

Can you put your chin on the floor while you wait to feel better?   I think ‘sick’ is a gift to help us wait and do ‘no thing.’

Dear Dekker,

You are so lucky you don’t have to pay bills. I have been sitting at my desk
trying to balance my checking account and avoid late payments.
I really hate having to do this and it comes around every month…
and sometimes in between.
Any hints on how to make it easier?
Thank you,
Suffering Susan

Woof woof, Susan,

I watch my person when she is paying bills so I think I know what you mean. She gets a bit grumpy if I interrupt her and can go absolutely wild if one of the cats jumps in the middle of all the papers she has spread out.

I don’t pay bills, but there are some other things I don’t enjoy. Like getting all wet in a cold lake. I know Labs are supposed to enjoy this, but I definitely don’t!

I do it for the same reason you pay bills. I am expected to by someone else.

She throws a stick out in the lake and I will fetch it, just like you pay bills when asked to. But when I bring it back to my person I shake really really hard!

She gets as wet as I do! But she laughs so it can’t be all that bad.

I suggest you try shaking off your worries and concerns about the bills the same way I shake off the lake. Throw your whole body into it!

When you can’t shake anymore, then start running in circles until someone tells you to stop and offers you kibble. Making a game out of paying bills will be lots of fun once you learn the basic moves.

Dear Dekker,

I have a dog, Frank, who sleeps with me and follows me everywhere.
I am planning to get a kitten and I am afraid I will hurt Frank’s feelings.
How can I help him with that?

Thank you, Joyce

Woof Woof, Joyce,

You came to the right dog with that question. I have lived with cats ever since I came to live with my person.

The first cat was old, quiet and not really a lot of fun at all. Her name was Eliza and you can read her about here.

After Eliza died, two brothers arrived, both black and white and full of—what do people call it? Chutzpah.

I call it fun

They are a couple of years older now, and each has his own way. (Don’t ask me why cats get their own way while I have to obey!)

Anyway, Merton believes he is my service cat. He will wash my ears, bat my tail and he always sleeps with me. His brother, Moxie, minds his own business which is good.

I believe Frank will make friends with your new cat soon. You may even find them sleeping together. Let me know how you make out with them!

You Can Read Dekker’s Wisdom once a month,
but he needs your email address to deliver it.

Ardis Mayo