Dekker’s “Pawnderings”, vol 3.6
Welcome to Dekker’s page of wisdom and pawnderings…if this is your first visit, check out his other posts, along with some discussion about service dogs, by hitting the ‘Dekker’ tab above.
Dear Dekker,
My neighbor’s dog barks incessantly whenever they
leave him alone outside. It drives me crazy!
Do dogs not realize how annoying that is?
How can I get him to stop?
Fed Up Fred
Woof Woof, Fred,
Your neighbor’s dog may be anxious or bored or lonely. Between you and me I have noticed humans tend to do the same thing, but they don’t call it barking. ‘Yapping’ may be a better word.
If your ears were a bit longer you could do what I do and just let them block out the yapping…I mean barking.
I used to have a set of “mutt muffs” that my human gave me when she wanted to go someplace noisy like a band concert.
People looked at me funny when I wore them although I don’t know why. I couldn’t see them anyway.
I bet they make them for people too. Would they be called ‘people muffs?” You could try getting those and see if they work.
Dear Dekker,
I’ve started dating someone new, but I’m worried
my cat doesn’t like her. Whenever she comes over,
my cat hisses and runs away. How can I help
them become friends?
Lovesick Luke
Woof Woof, Luke,
Ah-h-woof, the age-old battle for a cat’s affection. I’ll let you in on a secret: cats are masters of manipulation.
That hissing and running away? She is trying to make herself important to you like this new person.
My advice? Have your new friend offer her some cat kibble. I know belly rubs work for me when I feel neglected but I suspect your cat may not think so.
If kibble doesn’t work you could always get a dog. We’re a bit more straightforward in our affections.
Either way, I wish you the best of luck in this hairy situation!
Dear Dekker,
I’ve been working from home a lot more lately,
and I’ve noticed my dog seems to get
really excited whenever I sit down
at my desk. He’ll bring me his toys
and paw at me until I pay attention
to him. Is he just bored, or is
there something else going on?
Puzzled Patricia
Woof Woof, Patricia,
To us dogs, there’s no greater joy than spending time with a human who loves us.
When you settle in at your desk, your pup may be trying to tell you that you are long overdue for a snuggle and play session.
Be glad that you are the center of his universe and take a little time to play with him.
From where I lie curled up in my bed I watch humans work too hard.
They need us to remind them to loosen up. Belly rubs are good for that. Do you know anyone who will give you one?
Dear Dekker,
I recently adopted a senior dog from the animal shelter.
He’s such a sweetheart, but he seems to have a
hard time getting around sometimes. Are
there any special considerations I
should keep in mind when
caring for an older pup?
Thanks, Caring Carl
Woof Woof, Carl. Thank you for taking in an old dog. Of course we dont’ think of ourselves as old. We are just ourselves, white whiskers and all. I have a few myself.
What would make you comfortable if your bones ached? This pup would love the same things…a cushy bed, shorter walks, and plenty of love and affection.
And patience.
An old dog’s mind (just like yours) is still sharp, and their sniffer is keen (keener than yours I expect!)
I know when I get old my person will continue to love me and, best of all, let me love her. I don’t think age has anything to do with love. Do you?
Dear Dekker,
My dog always seems to want to go out in the
backyard whenever it’s raining or snowing.
I don’t understand his obsession with
getting wet and muddy! Is there
an explanation for this
bizarre behavior?
Wet and Perplexed, Rainy Day Rachel
Woof Woof, Rachel,
The simple answer is because it’s FUN! You should join in!
Have you noticed that when it rains or snows the world transforms into a magical playground full of new sights, smells, and textures to explore?
There are tantalizing aromas, and chasing raindrops is more fun than chasing squirrels.
When your pup begs to frolic in the rain, you’re witnessing the unbridled joy of their inner wolf pup. I hope you are able to connect with your inner ‘wolf pup’ also. Then you could enjoy romping with your dog.
Dear Dekker,
Do you ever get tired of answering people-questions?
I mean, you were trained to fetch and sit,
to be still and to lie down.
Do you dream up these
answers while you
are sleeping?
Doubting Dan
Woof Woof, Dan…you ask a difficult question. Does this mean that you get worn out by people questions?
Personally I think listening to the problems of people and just replying with the obvious is one of my easiest jobs.
Easier than controlling my nose when we go for a walk, anyway. I am not sure why humans cannot hear the answers to their questions themselves.
Perhaps if they knew how to be still and stay quiet the way I was trained they would be surprised at what they hear.
But then, I don’t see humans getting kibble for having the answers. I never get tired of kibble!!
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